ATIXA Title IX Advisors Certification

Module One-Overview of Advisor Rights and Roles in Title IX Proceedings: 1hr 14min

Module Two-The Advisor's Role Pre-Hearing: 47min

Module Three-The Advisor's Role at the Hearing: 40min

Module Four-The Advisor's Role Post-Hearing: 33min

Module Five-Advising the Complainant: 20min

Module Six-Advising the Respondent: 20min

Bonus Content-A Roundtable Discussion of Advisor Roles: 1hr 20min

We also offer this course presented live, if you'd prefer to take it interactively with ATIXA faculty, in an online classroom environment. To view the live events, please click here.

This training for those who will serve as advisors to parties throughout the school or college Title IX resolution process, including hearings, where advisors conduct cross-examination. This training addresses the scope and function of advisors, ethics of advising, confidentiality and privacy, understanding institutional resolution procedures, bias and conflict of interest concerns, evidence rules, strategy of cross-examination, effective and respectful cross-examination techniques, and interacting with the hearing chair. This course will be helpful to advisors chosen by the parties as well as advisors appointed by the institution.

 In this Course You will Learn:
-Understanding who plays what roles in the resolution process
-How the Title IX resolution process differs from civil and criminal legal proceedings
-Party rights to advisors
-Decorum expected of advisors, expected roles, and boundaries
-Intake role for the advisor
-Advisors in the investigation
-Advisor role post-investigation
-Instructions to disregard evidence, testimony, sections of the investigation report
-Understanding what statements cannot be admitted if a party or witness does not testify
-Late introduction of evidence
-Expert witnesses testimony
-Closing statements
-Impact statement submission
-Post-hearing role for the advisor
-Attorney advisor considerations

Who Should Purchase?
-Hearing/Process Advisors
-Victim Advocates
-Hearing Chairs
-Title IX Coordinators
-Legal Counsel

Price: $499.00
Member Price: $399.00
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