20-Minutes-to...Trained Video Module: Questioning

You’ve come to rely on ATIXA for Title IX training and certification for coordinators and investigators, but what about the trainings coordinators must provide to hearing panels, administrators, and appeals officers? Building on the success of our brief-topic format, ATIXA now offers 36 modules within our web-based video training series to meet your training needs. 20-Minutes-to…Trained is designed to meet (and exceed!) all hearing-related training requirements for Title IX and VAWA Section 304.

20-Minutes-to…Trained module averages 20 minutes in length, give or take. This gives you the ability to plan modular trainings based on the topics you want to prioritize, or to allow trainees to take all 36 topics over time, but in bite-size chunks of easily attained and retained information.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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