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SPOO or Not SPOO? That is the Question


SPOO or Not SPOO? That is the Question
Live Event Registration Purchase

December 9, 2020 | 3:00pm-4:30pm EST
Live or Recording Package Purchase*

  • $149 - ATIXA Members
    • *Complimentary registration for Super & Premium Members. Please click "Register For This Event" on the upper right and at check-out it will process a zero dollar/complimentary order. 
  • $199 - Non-Members

Group rates offered above 5 registrations, contact events@atixa.org.

ATIXA has been hearing from members about the difficulty of assessing the SPOO (severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive) standard under the 2020 Title IX Regulations. We hear you and are responding with a new webinar resource to assist you. During this 90-minute event, ATIXA's expert team will offer you ten quick case studies to vote on. SPOO or NOT SPOO? We'll discuss each case with participants, hear a variety of perspectives, and try to develop a member consensus on what this standard means and how it should be applied. We'll also be soliciting participant case studies to expand and deepen the dialogue on SPOO. Whose case study will win the SPOO Award for the case with the most difficult SPOO determination? Along with the case studies, this webinar will feature discussion of:

-What makes something severe, and why?

-How is pervasiveness assessed?

-Objective offense - how much is that a community standard, and how much do identity politics influence the reasonable personal perspective on what's offensive?

-How do we know what's offensive to other people in whose shoes we don't stand?

-How much of the SPOO analysis is up to a community standard?

-What elements of the sexual harassment definition are subjective, and which are objective? What's the difference?

-What does it mean that something could be SPOO, if proven, and what effect does that standard have?

-When do we know whether it could be SPOO or not?

-When not to apply SPOO.

-How to manage SPOO-based dismissals.

Who should attend?

-Title IX Staff


-Deputy Coordinators


-Hearing/Process Advisors

-Hearing Facilitators

-Hearing Chairs


-Appeals Officers

-K-12 Principals



-Brett A. Sokolow, J.D., Chair - TNG Consulting, President - ATIXA

-Ryan Thompson, J.D. Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Attorney & Investigator - Thompson Esquire PLLC

Registration for this event is closed.

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